CC MEETING: January 7, 2025
DATE: December 20, 2024
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Jonathan Wheat, P.E., Director of Engineering
Shannon Hicks, P.E., Assistant City Manager
Consider Authorizing The City Manager To Approve A Construction Contract With The Fain Group, Inc. For The Dudley Branch Trail Project In An Amount Not To Exceed $9,150,070.05.
The Dudley Branch Trail project involves the construction of a 2.1-mile hike and bike trail along the Dudley Branch channel, extending from Trade Center to Old Denton Road, with no adverse effects on the floodplain. The project includes the installation of fencing along sections of the trail, the construction of three bridges crossing Dudley Branch, and concrete block walls to enhance stability and safety.
The background and history of the Dudley Branch Trail project is extensive and spans multiple years. For further information, please refer to the attached document detailing the history and key milestones of the project.
Three (3) bids were received on November 14, 2024. Bids ranged from $8,850,070.05 submitted by The Fain Group, Inc. to a high bid of $10,941,733.23. The Engineering Estimate for this project was $11,500,000. In recent years, The Fain Group, Inc., has successfully completed several trail projects for surrounding municipalities, and were highly recommended. Multiple cities indicated that the company remained on schedule and on budget and had the ability to complete all tasks required of the Dudley Branch Trail project. The contractor appears capable of completing this project in the allotted schedule.
Staff recommends the inclusion of a construction contingency. The construction contingency provides an expedient manner to accommodate unforeseen costs and minor additions in work common in all construction projects. Examples include unexpected conditions discovered during construction, and changes to design that were not possible during plan generation. All charges against contingency must be supported by detailed pricing information and approved by the City through a formal change order. However, having advance Council authorization ensures that work progress is not impeded. Typical construction contingencies for a project of this magnitude range from 2-5% of the total contract amount. Staff recommend a 3.4% (original contract amount) contingency or $300,000.00.
This project will support the City Council’s strategic objectives and vision of building a community that families and businesses want to call home by:
• Supporting a healthy, pleasant alternative to motorized travel.
• Providing a safe and continuous connection from the North Carrollton DART Station to local parks and schools west of Old Denton Road.
Staff recommends award of the construction contract for the Dudley Branch Trail project to The Fain Group, Inc. in an amount of $9,150,070.05 ($8,850,070.05 original proposal and $300,000.00 (3.4%) construction contingency).