File #: 7076    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 2/6/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider Authorizing The City Manager To Execute A Change Order To The Contract With Rite Jack Concrete Repair, Inc For Raising and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Slabs Pursuant To BID #24-031, Increasing The Amount Of The Current Term By An Amount Not To Exceed $180,000.00, For A Total Term Amount Of $480,000.00, Increasing The Total Three-Year Contract To An Amount Not To Exceed $1,080,000.00.
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CC MEETING: February 18, 2025


DATE: February 6, 2025


TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager


FROM: Jody Byerly, Director of Public Works

                         Shannon Hicks, Assistant City Manager



Consider Authorizing The City Manager To Execute A Change Order To The Contract With Rite Jack Concrete Repair, Inc For Raising and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Slabs Pursuant To BID #24-031, Increasing The Amount Of The Current Term By An Amount Not To Exceed $180,000.00, For A Total Term Amount Of $480,000.00, Increasing The Total Three-Year Contract To An Amount Not To Exceed $1,080,000.00.




The City of Carrollton has an existing contract with Rite Jack Concrete Repair, provide raising and rehabilitation of existing concrete slabs using the pressure grouting method. The services assist by reducing the pending backlog of pavement repairs where the pressure grouting method is suitable.


We are asking for the proposed change order to accommodate the increasing workload that is required to perform needed street repairs through raising and rehabilitation.


The current proposed change order will increase the contract totals by 20%, which is allowed by state statute to ensure a continuation of existing services. 



To ensure there is funding available to continue the services, this change order consists of an additional $180,000.00, which increases the current contract from $900,000.00 to $1,080,000.00, a 20% increase. Funding is available in Streets Consolidated account 854460 115820499, the Public Works account designated for raising and rehabilitation of street pavement through pressure grouting.



This project supports and aligns with the City Council’s goals and objectives of managing infrastructure with fiduciary care.



Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a change order to the contract with Rite Jack Concrete Repair, Inc for raising and rehabilitation of existing concrete slabs pursuant to BID #24-031, increasing the amount of the current term by an amount not to exceed $180,000.00, for a total term amount of $480,000.00, increasing the total three-year contract to an amount not to exceed $1,080,000.00.