File #: 7077    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider Authorizing The City Manager To Approve A Contract Pursuant To RFQ 25-001 For Festival Talent & Production Services With Event Production Services, LLC For The Festival At The Switchyard In An Annual Amount Not To Exceed $614,500 For A Total Four-Year Amount Not To Exceed $2,458,000.
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CC MEETING: February 18, 2025


DATE: February 5, 2025


TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager


FROM: Kelli Lewis, Marketing Director



Consider Authorizing The City Manager To Approve A Contract Pursuant To RFQ 25-001 For Festival Talent & Production Services With Event Production Services, LLC For The Festival At The Switchyard In An Annual Amount Not To Exceed $614,500 For A Total Four-Year Amount Not To Exceed $2,458,000.




This contract is for talent and production services for the City’s annual Festival at the Switchyard. These services include turnkey talent booking, production services, and space logistics for the annual event.


On November 6, 2024, The City issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) 25-001 for Festival at the Switchyard talent buying and technical services. Notifications were posted online, previous and interested vendors were contacted, as well as advertisements placed in the Dallas Morning News.  Two vendors submitted responses.


The Marketing Department reviewed the submissions based on criteria related to overall qualifications, experience, and references. The selected vendor, Event Production Services, LLC was deemed the best qualified to provide the turnkey talent booking and production services. Event Production Services, LLC is an event production management company that has booked talent for and produced the Carrollton Festival at the Switchyard on behalf of and in coordination with the City of Carrollton from the Festival’s inception in 2010 through the 14th annual event in 2024. Based on the proposals, the company displays the greatest understanding of the talent and production needs, space logistics, and has successfully produced the Festival for 14 years.


The contract will be for a one-year initial term for the 2025 Festival at the Switchyard. The 2025 Festival is scheduled for November 8, 2025.  This award also includes the option to renew for three additional, one-year renewal options, if mutually agreed upon by the City and the vendor, for a potential four-year total contract not to exceed $2,458,000. 


The 2025 Festival at the Switchyard will be the 15th Annual Festival.  The event is designed to attract additional attention and revenue to the City of Carrollton, and has drawn high attendance each year, with an estimated attendance between 30,000 and 45,000 annually.  The event also showcases the Downtown Carrollton TOD area and the DART Green Line light rail service, thus enhancing sustainability.




This contract will be funded by the City’s Hotel/Motel Fund, in an amount not to exceed $571,000 in reimbursable expenses and $43,500.00 for production management services plus talent acquirement fees, for an annual total not to exceed $614,500.00.  A contingency of 10% of the production/operations budget has been added to the total contract value. 



This award support and aligns with City Council’s goals and objectives to enhance the perception of the brand and foster a welcoming environment for businesses and residents, as well as to increase and stimulate the sales tax base and to leverage opportunities around TODs.



Authorizing the City Manager to approve a contract pursuant to RFQ 25-001 for Festival Talent & Production Services with Event Production Services, LLC for the Festival At The Switchyard in an annual amount not to exceed $614,500 for a total four-year amount not to exceed $2,458,000.00.