CC MEETING: September 10, 2024
DATE: August 22, 2024
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Roberto Arredondo, Chief of Police
Rex Redden, Executive Director of Public Safety
Consider A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into A Two Year Software Services Agreement With Flock Safety Systems For License Plate Reader Camera Software In An Amount Not to Exceed $30,000 Annually, For A Total Contract Amount Not To Exceed $60,000.
The Police Department currently utilizes Flock Safety Systems license plate reader (LPR) cameras to investigate crimes, locate missing persons and identify stolen or wanted vehicles. In 2024, City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Flock Safety Systems For License Plate Reader Camera Equipment For A Five-Year Period In An Amount Not to Exceed $276,400.00.
In 2024, City Council authorized The City Manager to Execute An Agreements Between The City Of Carrollton, The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority And Flock Safety Systems, Providing For The FY24 SB224 and the FY25 SB224 Catalytic Converter Grant Program Award Agreements.
The Carrollton Police Department (CPD) was awarded the FY24 SB224 Catalytic Converter Grant Program by The Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority. The award authorizes CPD to lease additional IP cameras from FLOCK and deploy them for a 1-year period. CPD has applied for and will be awarded the FY25 SB224 Catalytic Converter Grant Program. This award authorizes CPD to lease the additional IP cameras from FLOCK for an additional 1-year period.
The Police Department would like to procure the FLOCK OS ELITE, an enhanced software system to operate the camera platform at full capacity.
The cost of the agreement is $30,000.00 for the first year, with a total contract amount not to exceed $60,000.00 over the two-year contract period. Funds for this contract renewal will be drawn from the existing approved Police Department budget.
The annual costs are established at:
Year 1: $30,000
Year 2: $30,000
The enhancement of the Flock camera program will increase officer efficiency in detecting and interrupting criminal activity through the improvement of public safety and officer safety.
Staff recommends City Council approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Flock Safety Systems for FLOCK OS ELITE software in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for the first year and in an aggregate amount not to exceed $60,000.00 over the two-year contract period.