CC MEETING: December 3, 2024
DATE: November 13, 2024
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Loren Shapiro, AICP, Planning Manager
Shannon Hicks, Assistant City Manager
Hold A Public Hearing To Consider An Ordinance Amending The Zoning To Repeal Three Special Use Permits Numbered 371 (2227 High Point Drive) For An Accessory Building In Excess of 600 Square Feet And 390 (1035 North IH-35E) For Automotive Mechanical And Electrical Repair And Maintenance And 099 (1035 North IH-35E) Mini-Warehouse With A Caretaker’s Apartment; Amending The Official Zoning Map Accordingly. Case No. PLSUP 2023-156 Repeal Of Three SUPs.
This is a city-initiated request to reassess the continued appropriateness of 3 Special Use Permits (SUPs) numbered 371 (2227 High Point Drive) for an accessory building in excess of 600 square feet, 390 (1035 N IH-35E) for automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance, and 099 (1035 N IH-35E) mini-warehouse with a caretaker’s apartment.
SUPs 099 and 371 are not being used or likely to be used for their intended purpose. SUP 371 is no longer required as Carrollton’s zoning ordinance no longer requires a SUP for accessory structures in excess of 600 square feet.
There are no financial implications on the current and future operating budgets regarding this request.
On November 7, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL of the request with revised stipulations.
The attached ordinance reflects the action of the Commission.
Staff recommends approval and adoption of the ordinance.