CC MEETING: May 16, 2023
DATE: May 9, 2023
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Cory Heiple, Environmental Services Director
Marc Guy, Assistant City Manager
Consider A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Negotiate And Execute A Contract Renewal With Freedom Commercial Services, LLC For Mowing And Code Violation Abatement Services Through An Interlocal Agreement With The City Of Lewisville In An Amount Not To Exceed $83,029.00.
This contract will be utilized by the Environmental Services Department for health and safety services, primarily for mowing and trash and debris abatement. The City of Lewisville currently has an annual contract with Freedom Commercial Services, LLC to perform these services. This interlocal agreement meets all State of Texas competitive bidding requirements and resulted in an award to Freedom Commercial Services, LLC through City of Lewisville RFP #22-12-A.
The services provided through this interlocal agreement are funded through the Environmental Services operating budget. Code violation abatement costs and applicable administrative fees are placed as liens on the property and costs are recouped at the time of the lien payoff.
Providing code violation abatement and the elimination of blight are essential components of community sustainability and reduce the negative impacts that non-compliant properties have on Carrollton neighborhoods.
Staff recommends City Council approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract renewal with Freedom Commercial Services, LLC for mowing and code violation abatement services through an interlocal agreement with the City of Lewisville in an amount not to exceed $83,029.00.