CC MEETING: November 7, 2023
DATE: October 23, 2023
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Jonathan Wheat, P.E., Director of Engineering
Marc Guy, Assistant City Manager
Consider A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Negotiate And Execute Professional Services Contracts With Braun Intertec Corporation; ECS Southwest, LLP; Henley-Johnston & Associates, Inc. And Terracon Consultants, Inc. For Engineering Services For Geotechnical And Material Testing In An Aggregate Amount Not To Exceed $1,000,000.00.
As part of nearly all construction projects the City performs, materials testing is a requirement to ensure that contract requirements are met or exceeded. These tests include compaction and densities of roadway subgrades, concrete compressive strength, pipeline trench compaction, reinforcing and structural steel inspections, etc. In limited circumstances geotechnical services may also be used for special projects such as slope stability, City facility projects or City-partnered development projects. Testing costs vary due to a number of factors, but are generally between 3% and 7% of the construction cost. With the exception of special projects, testing costs are expended through the capital account of the specific construction project.
A formal selection process was conducted, by which a request for qualifications (RFQ) was publicly advertised and firms were evaluated on criteria that included their understanding of the required services, similar project experience, personnel depth and company qualifications. Once the most qualified firms are identified by staff and approved by City Council, contract rates for various services and personnel are negotiated and a maximum contract amount is established for each firm. Services are then rendered as required for each specific project through an 'indefinite delivery contract'. In previous programs, the City has selected four testing firms to provide all related services withi...
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