CC MEETING: November 7, 2023
DATE: November 7, 2023
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Rex Redden, Executive Director of Public Safety
Marc Guy, Assistant City Manager
Consider A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into An Interlocal Cooperation Agreement With Dallas County MHMR (dba Metrocare Services) To Provide Mental Health Services For Carrollton Citizens And Authorize The Funding Of A Full-Time Qualified Mental Health Practitioner-Community Service Position.
A mental health study recently conducted by the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute recommended that the City obtain the services of a mental health practitioner to assist public safety operations in addressing and reducing mental health-related calls in the community. Metrocare Services is the Dallas County Mental Health and Mental Retardation service provider and has agreed to hire and staff one full-time Qualified Mental Health Practitioner-Community Service (QMHP-CS) position to work in conjunction with the Carrollton Police Department and Carrollton Fire Rescue. The goal of this program is to reduce demands on public safety resources and improve the mental health services available to Carrollton citizens. This interlocal agreement is for a five-year term, ending on September 30, 2028, and can be renewed for successive terms.
Metrocare Services has agreed to provide one full-time Qualified Mental Health Practitioner-Community Service position for $78,500 annually. Funding for this position is allocated in the FY 2024 budget.
Having access to a full-time mental health practitioner to work in conjunction with the Carrollton Police Department and Carrollton Fire Rescue will provide a systemic approach to providing prevention-oriented mental health crisis services to the community.
Staff recommends City Council approval of a resolution authorizing the ...
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