CC MEETING: September 24, 2024
DATE: September 17, 2024
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Jonathan Wheat, P.E., Director of Engineering
Shannon Hicks, Assistant City Manager
Consider Authorizing The City Manager To Approve A Construction Contract With 3D Paving & Contracting, LLC For The Webb Chapel Road Reconstruction Project In An Amount Not To Exceed $3,945,845.00.
This contract will provide for the reconstruction of Webb Chapel Road from Belt Line Road to the Gateway Lane. Webb Chapel Road is a six-lane divided arterial road and was included in the list of potential roadway projects for the 2022 Bond. The project consists of replacing approximately 2.23 lane miles of pavement, constructing 2,500 LF of sidewalk, 1,850 LF of water line, and median landscaping and irrigation. As part of the project, and included in the sidewalk total, a new sidewalk will be constructed along the west side of Webb Chapel Road to provide additional pedestrian connectivity.
Eight (8) proposals were received on September 11th, 2024, ranging from $3,793,845.00 to $5,180,025.00. State Law requires evaluation of all selection criteria which included not only the price but the validity or reliability of the price along with contractor qualifications, which includes performance on past similar projects, experience of personnel assigned to the project, magnitude of municipal work, etc.
In consideration of all selection criteria, 3D Paving & Contracting, LLC has submitted the lowest qualified proposal of $3,793,845.00. 3D Paving Contracting, LLC also has an excellent reputation with Carrollton and has successfully delivered several projects including the 2022 Alley Replacement project, Crosby Street Reconstruction, and Nob Hill Phase 1 Street Reconstruction project. Upon incorporation of all selection criteria based on price and qualifications, 3D Paving Contracting, LLC is concluded to be the most qualified contractor for ...
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