CC MEETING: November 21, 2023
DATE: November 8, 2023
TO: Erin Rinehart, City Manager
FROM: Cory Heiple, Environmental Services Director
Marc Guy, Assistant City Manager
Consider A Resolution Supporting A Municipal Setting Designation For Property Located At 2710, 2784, 2783, 2807 Valwood Parkway And 14055, 14065 And 14067 Dennis Lane In The City Of Farmers Branch.
This agenda item seeks the approval of a resolution granting support to a request for a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) by the City of Farmers Branch, Store Master Funding XIV LLC., Corporation of Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the Christ United Methodist Church for eight separate parcels located within the City of Farmers Branch.
An MSD is a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) certification of a property declaring that the groundwater beneath the designated property is not used as potable water and is prohibited from future use as potable water. The purpose of the MSD is to provide a TCEQ-approved remediation process for a site with historical environmental impacts provided there is no current or planned use for a potable water well on the site. This designation allows for redevelopment of areas that would have otherwise been left abandoned and unproductive. To be approved, the groundwater must meet minimum safety thresholds for exposure levels; the site's environmental data shows it to be within the TCEQ protective levels for an MSD.
To meet the MSD requirements, an MSD application needs a resolution of support from municipalities owning public water wells within five miles of the designated property. The City of Carrollton owns and operates an emergency public water supply well 1.7 miles northeast and upgradient of the designated property. It is for this reason that the applicants are requesting a resolution of support from the City of Carrollton for their MSD application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
City staff has reviewed t...
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